Java 3D Programming

By Daniel Selman

Manning Publications

Available Q2 2000

An extract from the book "Java 3D Programming" is included. The text and examples illustrate how to use the Java 3D behavior architecture to implement keyboard controls for an application. A large sample application is presented that implements a DOOM style 3D world, complete with flaming torches, bookcases, guards and pools of water.

Table of Contents

Compiling the Code

The example code has been tested with these versions of the required components:

To compile the code switch to the KeyNavigateTest directory and type:

java *.java ûclasspath dselman.jar;j3dtree.jar

Running the Example

To execute the example switch to the KeyNavigateTest directory and type:

java -Dj3d.sharedctx=false ûclasspath .;j3dtree.jar;dselman.jar KeyNavigateTest

There are three supplied 3D worlds (defined using GIF images): small, medium and huge. To switch between them edit the name of the world image in and recompile the file.